Product Description:
Former Floating Hospital Barge 50’W x 180’L, shallow draft, recent hull overhaul, all systems intact, 40K SF cabin space, 4 story, fresh water location since 2010. The vessel is equipped with walk-in kitchens and generators.
Construction: All welded steel.
Configuration: Rectangular, barge type hull with blunted shaped bow, straight sides, basically flat bottom with deadrise and skeg each end, and rounded stem, with deckhouse on deck.
The four level deckhouse structure extends the full width and breadth of the vessel. There are solid bulwarks on each level, and/or, plus, fixed safety rails throughout all levels. Main accesses between levels are via wide stairways with non skid steps and safety rails and ramp ways, also with nonskid surfaces and handrails.
Propulsion: None.
Auxiliary Power: Two 8V71 Detroit Diesel engines, each driving a 150 KW AC generator. Plus, one 371 GM diesel engine driving a 50 KW AV generator.
When in use, records indicate the vessel operated during the summer months with a normal medical staff of about 90 persons plus a 9 person crew.
The vessel enjoyed a complete maintenance and repair program during the years of active operation.