Engine Manufacturer / Brand:
Engine Model:
Product Description:
2005 8.3
1,460 original hours
The pair both have refurbished head, new starters, alternators, fuel lines , ECM ,SIM MODULE, Turbos w/ waste gate serviced heat exchangers ,oil coolers Wiring harness engine side is new as well. New fuel lifter pumps both motors All hoses, lines are new as well as almost every gasket One runs very well after reconditioning Other seems to be seized
Twin disc 5705a ย 2.5:1
Additional Information:
Engine history: Part of a sport fisherman purchase.ย Boat took water and leaned to one side.ย The now seized engine took water and the other only partially got wet.ย It was in brackish water.ย The 2nd engine that only “dipped” did not get any water in the turbo or anything.ย ย
They purchased the boat, then for peace of mind had the engines gone through and had new everything put on: heads, turbos, ECMs, etc.ย He did an oil change on both, and discovered water mixed with oil in now seized engine.ย The seized engine does not bar over.ย ย